Yoga Origin And Reference Part 2

Yoga Origin And Reference Part 2

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Yoga Origin And Reference 

Characteristics of Yoga

Let's take a look at some of the chief characteristics of Yoga.

1) Yoga is not an exercise.

To understand the concept of Yoga one must keep in mind that the positions in Yoga are not exercises but bodily stretches and maintenance of stretches. You may describe Yoga in terms of Yogic stretches or Yogic practices. Acquiring a body position by stretching the muscles and then maintaining this position as long as one's body allows, that is what Yogic stretches are. Yoga requires very smooth and controlled motions and a slow steady tempo. To achieve this one needs to have total concentration of mind while doing Yoga. The movements in Yoga are smooth, slow and controlled. Comparison with others is greatly discouraged. Doing something beyond one's capacity just out of competition generally results in hurting one's body and hence is greatly discouraged. Breathing in Yoga remains steady unlike many aerobic exercises. Yoga is also Isotonic unlike bodybuilding exercises, which are isometric in nature. In isotonic stretches, length of the muscles increases while tone stays the same as opposed to the isometric exercises in which length of the muscles stays the same while the tone changes. In Isotonic stretches, body is stretched in a particular manner and maintained that way for some time. yoga nike

2) Longer maintenance and fewer repetitions (as per the body's capacity).

Benefits of Yoga are enhanced with the maintenance of a body stretch. Longer the maintenance better will be the effect. However one cannot force oneself into maintaining the stretch longer than the body can bear. Each and every position is pleasant and stable (Sthiram Sukham Asanam). Sthiram means steady. Sukham means pleasant and Asanam means a body posture or position. The right position for you is that in which your body remains steady (sthiram) and which is pleasant and comfortable to you (sukham). The moment a stretch becomes unbearable and uncomfortable and the body starts shaking, one needs to come out of that position in a very slow, smooth and controlled manner. There will be more repetitions and shorter maintenance for a beginner. With more practice, the repetitions will be fewer and maintenance will be longer. After doing Yoga one should only feel pleasant and fresh and nothing else. If you feel tired or fatigued or any part of your body aches, it only means that you have tried beyond your capacity. yoga manduka

3) Trust your body. Apply minimum efforts:

With the practice of Yoga, you also learn to trust your body's capacity to progress in terms of flexibility without conscious efforts. As long as the aim is in mind and the body is stretched only to its current capacity, the flexibility develops on its own. One needs to just focus on breath, focus on the present state of the body pose and enjoy that pose as long as it feels comfortable. 'Prayatnay Shaithilyam' means minimum efforts. Although there is an ideal position described and desired for each asana, no one is forced into attaining the ideal position. Yoga is done with the trust that flexibility is acquired after a continuous and regular practice. There is a message here and that is to have faith in the unknown. This message along with the improved endocrine function, better muscle tone, calmer mind and increased positive outlook can be enormously beneficial for recovery from any illness. yoga for mens

4) Focused stretching:

The ability to stretch or pressure one muscle group while relaxing the rest of the body is called focused stretching. For example if a particular Asana is based upon stretching the stomach as the main muscle group (the pivotal muscles), then the rest of the body is relaxed while the stomach is stretched or pressured. One has to watch for unnecessary straining of those muscles that are supposed to be relaxed. Initially this is hard to follow nevertheless it becomes easier with some practice. This habit of differentiating between different muscles for the pressure becomes very useful in other areas of life too. It enables you to relax better while driving during rush hour. While doing normal daily tasks it makes you aware of the unnecessary tension on different parts of your body. You are watchful even while talking to someone or while brushing your teeth or when stuck in a traffic jam. You learn to ask yourself, 'Am I holding my breath, are my shoulders tense, is my neck stiff, are my fingers curled?' etc. etc. These acts are unnecessary and they dissipate energy. Yoga teaches you how to relax and gives you time free of worries and regrets, impatience and anxieties. yoga sup

5) Breathing:

Monitoring your breathing is an integral part of Yoga. Common mistakes such as holding of breath or breathing deliberately occur during Yoga. Both these mistakes must be avoided. Holding back on breath gives headaches, fatigue and thus the benefits of Yoga are lost by improper or inadequate breathing. online yoga

6) Anantha Samapatti (Merging with the Infinite):

The extreme objective of Yoga is simply the amalgamation into the more prominent self. Yuja intends to consolidate or to associate. An association of Atma and Parmatma is the converging of the body and the soul. Yoga is a lifestyle. It's a complete combination. As indicated by Patanjali (author of Yoga), two things characterize Yoga poses; a steady and agreeable body stance and Anantha Samapatti. In this way, you can't separate substantial stances from contemplation. Truth be told a body that has gotten adaptable and consistent through the act of different positions turns into a decent reason for a definitive supernatural perspective (Samadhi). The kriya (purging procedures) decontaminate the body. Mudra and bandha bring the important strength of psyche and focus, at first on one's breathing (pranadharana) and afterward on God (Ishwarpranidhana). At first, the psyche meanders a ton and that is o.k. One should allow it to meander. Later one should tally his breaths and ought to watch the internal and external progression of air through the air entries. (pranadharna). This will empower him to focus better on himself (sakshibhavana). To start with it will be hard to think since the body stances are not unreasonably consistent. Be that as it may, with training it turns out to be better and better. For this one should deliberately remove his psyche from body stance and spotlight it on to the breathing procedure (pranadharana). 

Origin and philosophy of Yoga:

Yoga Origin And Reference
Origin and philosophy of Yoga


Among the many proponents of Yoga, Patanjali (2nd century B.C) is the most well known and most revered of all and is well accepted as the founder of Yoga. His book Shripatanjali Darshan which is a collection of hymns (also called as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras) is held in high esteem by the experts and practitioners and is known as one of the most revered reference book (a workbook for actual practice) on Yoga. Patanjali's Yoga is called Patanjala (that of Patanjali) and is also considered as Rajayoga, which means the royal Yoga or the supreme, sublime Yoga since it consists of practices that lead to spiritual liberation (Moksha). Rajayoga is a part of Sankhya philosophy and is known to awaken Kundalini (Complete opening of Chakra when reached in transcendental state of meditation) and results into complete spiritual enlightenment if practiced regularly. yoga for weight loss

Patanjalayoga is also called Ashtangayoga since it has 8 dimensions or 8 limbs. Ashta means 8 and Anga means dimension or a limb in Sanskrit. Yama (Rules for the social life), Niyama (Rules for personal development), Asana (Yoga Posture), Pranayama (Prolonged and controlled breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (narrowed focusing on a subject), Dhyana (continued experience of meditation), Samadhi (transcendental state in which there is only an essence of pure existence) are the 8 limbs of Ashtangayoga. The first four dimensions make up the exoteric (Bahiranga) part of Ashtangayoga while the last four dimensions make up the esoteric (Antaranga) part of Ashtangayoga. Out of the 8 limbs of Ashtangayoga, Asana and Pranayama are the only two limbs that generally stand for the term Yoga in its most popular form. yoga clothes


In the 15th century A.D. Yogi Swatmaram founded one of the six systems of Yoga called Hathayoga. Although the term Hatha in Sanskrit means being forceful, Hathayoga is not about Hatha but is about the balance between the two principles of the body. Ha and Tha are essentially symbols. Ha means surya (sun). Tha means chandra (moon). Right nostril (Pingala) is the Surya nadi while the left nostril (Ida) is the Chandra nadi. Just the way the sun and the moon balance the life cycle of the world; the two nostrils balance the life cycle of the body. Nadi is a channel through which the life force flows. Hathayoga helps to maintain this balance by correcting the functional disorders of the body and bringing mental peace. Hathayogapradipika is the standard textbook on Hathayoga written by Yogi Swatmaram. Hathayoga accepts Patanjala Yoga as standard. Although it's a completely independent school of philosophy in its own right, it's essentially based upon the philosophy of Rajayoga expounded in Patanjali's Yogasutra.

In fact, every school of philosophy culminates into Rajayoga since the aim of every school is the same as Rajayoga i.e. to attain ever-lasting peace and happiness. leggings yoga

Hathayoga consists of

a. Asana (body positions or stretches e.g. mountain pose, cobra pose)
b. Pranayama (controlled breathing techniques e.g. Ujjayi, Anuloma Viloma)
c. Kriya (cleansing processes e.g. Kapalbhati)
d. Bandha and Mudra (Locks and symbol poses e.g. Udiyana bandha, Jivha bandha, Simhamudra)

As per Hathayoga, Asana, Pranayama, Kriya, Bandha and Mudra are stepping stones to achieve the ultimate psycho spiritual effect of Rajayoga. They create the necessary foundation of stable and calm mind and body for Rajayoga. alo yoga eu

There are however subtle differences between Patanjala Yoga and Hathayoga. Patanjali emphasizes more on the psycho spiritual effect of Yoga rather than the physical aspects and actual techniques of Asana and Pranayama. His Asana and Pranayama are also much simpler and easier to do than the ones in Hathayoga. For this he recommends least amount of efforts (Prayatnay Shaithilyam) and maintaining a steady, rhythmic tempo and a stable, comfortable body position. Patanjali's Yogasutra discuss Asana and Pranayama only in the chapter of Kriyayoga (part of Sadhana pada) as the tool to achieve physical and mental health. On the other hand, the emphasis of Hathayoga is more on the techniques of Asana and Pranayama, Kriya, Bandha and Mudra. pants yoga

Philosophy of Yogasutra:

Patanjali's Yogasutra consists of 195 sutra and 4 Pada (sections or chapters): Samadhi pada, Sadhana Pada, Vibhuti Pada and Kaivalya pada. Kriyayoga, the chapter on the actual practice of Yoga is a part of Sadhana Pada (section about the means of study and practice of Yoga). Kriyayoga discusses Asana and Pranayama viz. the physical part of Yoga. Just to give a glimpse of Patanjali's philosophy, here are a few thoughts from the Samadhi Pada and Sadhana Pada of Yogasutra:

According to Patanjali, meaning and purpose of Yoga is to attain Samadhi (ultimate transcendental state in which there is sense of pure existence and nothing else). Yoga is a union of mind and body. It's compared with a calm river, which flows down towards its inclined bed without efforts. Thus Yoga is more than a physical exercise. To be able to concentrate your mind is the greatest benefit of Yoga. Yoga is nothing but self-study. Purpose of Yoga is to be self-aware. Yoga teaches you to be nearer to nature and lead a healthy life. For this you need determination and faith in Yoga. shorts yoga

Tapaswadhyayeshwarpranidhanani Kriyayogah

Tapa (starknesses), Swadhyaya (perusing of sacred texts), Ishwarpranidhana. Tapa is to make body caution and dynamic gleaming with wellbeing. Swadhyaya is the nonstop investigation to hone the acumen. These sadhanas are to be utilized to crash issues of human instinct. There are five kleshas (awful propensities, for example, avidya (numbness), Asmita (sense of self), Rag (fascination fondness), dwesh (contempt) and abhinivesh (self request, tenacity). These five vrittis vanish by Dhyana. liforme yoga

Yogaschittavrittinirodhah. By training of Yoga, all the practical alterations of the brain totally stop. 

Control of your brain is the thing that Yoga is about. You need to include your brain in the Asana. Asana is an instrument for Yoga. Body stances, upkeep, and rounds of an asana are to be finished by one's own ability. Maintenance is more alluring than reiteration. Contemplation can't be isolated from Yoga. manduka eko lite 4mm 

Prayatne Shaithilyam Anantha samapatti. While doing Yogasana (Yogic stances), two things should be watched. One is to be loose intellectually and truly. The subsequent one is Anantha samapatti. It intends to converge with something boundless. Patanjali expresses that every single beneficial thing happens when you quit making a decent attempt. You become one with Ishwara, you let go your control and overlook that you are specifically body act. Yoga ought to be the lifestyle. 

Yoga chitasya malam apakarot, Padena vachanam malam, sharirasya cha vaidyaken yo apakarot. The discourse is improved by perusing uproarious a Pada (verse of a sonnet) and a doctor fixes the ailments of the body. Likewise, Yoga fixes and washes down an evil psyche. 

As per Samadhipada, a wide range of mental and physical issues, for example, ailment, lethargy, questions and doubts, noncompliance, false impressions, allurements, unfortunate contemplations are the adjustments of Chitta (mind). Outcomes of these adjustments are anxiety, precariousness, clumsiness, and unsettling influences of inward breaths and exhalations. Patanjali says that through complete focus and endurance and a normal act of Yoga, one can dispose of every one of these issues. yogakit 

Ishwarpranidhanadva However in the event that that is exceptionally hard for somebody, there is another approach to accomplish complete wellbeing and harmony and that is to give up to God (Ishwarpranidhanadva). As indicated by Samadhi pada, when you have no information at all, give up to God totally and you will pick up information. eko lite manduka 

Ideally, you have discovered this article helpful in understanding the inception, foundation, and the genuine idea of Yoga. In the event that you are keen on understanding more.

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